New Jersey Bishop says Budde’s message to Trump was timely

The Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington, angered President Trump during an inaugural prayer service earlier this month when she pleaded with him to have mercy on migrants. She stressed that many of the people who come to the United States from other countries take on the jobs that keep our society running.

Now, one of Budde’s colleagues, the Rt. Rev. Carlye J. Hughes, Episcopal bishop of the Diocese of Newark, New Jersey, is speaking out on her colleague’s action. She says that faith and politics often intersect – as they did in this situation – and faith should inform all that we do as members of society. And she speaks with authority on the issue — there are many sanctuary communities under her watch and the federal government raided a Newark fish business just last week, drawing national attention to the issue.

Hughes chatted with Black News & Views about Budde’s comments, and the role of the church in the migrant crisis and advising the new administration.

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